Short cases in ophthalmology

Short cases in ophthalmology

Here are given the various short cases of ophthalmology that are asked from you as spotters in your MBBS practicals exams. You have to present them just as i had written. You have to identify the spot and explain it to the examiner. Also, these spotters will help you to clinically correlate the theoretical part of ophthalmology. You can download the PDF file of spotters below.

Must read - Books to study ophthalmology in mbbs

1. Pterygium

Short cases in ophthalmology

This picture shows a patient of pterygium with a wing shaped fold of conjunctiva enroaching from the nasal side and covering the part of sclera and cornea. It is of left eye as the fold approachs from nasal side of the eye.

2. Stye (external hordeolum)

Short cases in ophthalmology

This picture shows a patient with a red, tender swelling at the lig margin in right eye. The pus point is also visible. So, most probably, it is the case of stye.

3. Ptosis

Short cases in ophthalmology

This picture shows a patient with abnormal drooping of upper eyelid in right eye. The upper eyelid is covering more than 1/6 of the cornea. So, most probably, it is the case of ptosis

4. Entropion

Short cases in ophthalmology

This picture shows a patient of Entropion in right eye as the inward rolling of the lid margin towards the globe is clearly seen in lower eyelid. Cillias are also rubbing against the cornea

5. Ectropion

Short cases in ophthalmology

This picture shows a patient of ectropion in right eye as the lid margin of lower eyelid is rolling outward and palpebral conjunctiva is visible.

6. Strabismus

Short cases in ophthalmology

Short cases in ophthalmology

This picture shows a patient of divergent squint in which the right eye is normal but the left eye is deviated laterally. As the misalignment of visual axis of 2 eyes can be clearly seen. So, it is a manifest squint case.

7. Iridocyclitis

Short cases in ophthalmology

This picture shows festooned pupil with irregular dilatation of pupil.  It is seen in Iridocyclitis due to segmental posterior synechie formation between iris and lens due to organisation of fibrin rich exudates. So, it is the case of Iridocyclitis.

Short cases in ophthalmology

This picture show white coloured cellular deposits at the back of cornea. These are occupying the centre and inferior part of cornea. These are called keratin precipitates and are seen in Iridocyclitis.

8. Retinal artery occlusion

Short cases in ophthalmology

This is the fundus photograph of a patient showing a cherry red spot in the centre of macula. This is because of the vascular choroid in the foveal region shining against ischemic white background of macular edema. So, it is the case of retinal artery occlusion.

9. Geographic corneal ulcer

Short cases in ophthalmology

This picture shows green coloured geographic ulcer on cornea with ameboid configuration. It is formed in herpes simplex keratitis due to the enlargement and coalescing of branches of dendritic ulcers.

10. Diabetic retinopathy

Short cases in ophthalmology

Most probably, it is the fundoscopy picture of diabetic retinopathy as it shows haemorrhages, microaneurysms and cotton wool spots.

11. Fungal corneal ulcer

Short cases in ophthalmology

This picture shows a patient with greyish white ulcer in cornea having feathery finger like extensions. A Hypopyon can also be seen. So, it is the case of fungal corneal ulcer.

12.Bacterial corneal ulcer

Short cases in ophthalmology

This picture shows a patient with descemetocele. It is formed in bacterial corneal ulcer by the bulging out of tough descemet's membrane when ulcerative process deepens.

13. Chalazion

Short cases in ophthalmology

It shows a patient of chalazion having a swelling in upper eyelid slightly away from lid margin in right eye.

14. Central retinal vein occlusion

Short cases in ophthalmology

It is the fundoscopy picture showing tomato splash appearance in retina due to massive retinal haemorrhages. Retinal viens are congested. Cotton wool spots are also present. So, it is the case of retinal vien occlusion.

Short cases in ophthalmology

It is the fundus picture of branched retinal vien occlusion as it shows venous congetion and haemorrhages that is limited to a particular area of retina.

15. Senile cataract

It is the case of morgagnian stage of senile cataract as it shows brownish nucleus of lens that had settled to bottom and also, lens had converted into bag of milky fluid.

16. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis (spring catarrh)

Short cases in ophthalmology

It shows many raised papillas in palpebral conjunctiva arranged in cobble stone fashion. It is vernal keratoconjunctivitis.

Short cases in ophthalmology

It shows whitish raised dots along the limbus called horner tranta spots.

17. Ophthalmia neonatorum

Short cases in ophthalmology

This is the case of a child having purulent conjunctival discharge coming out from both the eyes. Swelling of eyelids is also present. So, it is ophthalmia neonatorum.

18. Buphthalmos

Short cases in ophthalmology

This is a child of buphthalmos showing enlargement of eyeball. It is seen in congenital glaucoma due to the retention of aqueous humour.

19. Orbital cellulitis

Short cases in ophthalmology

It shows Proptosis along with swelling and redness of eyelids seen in orbital cellulitis.

20. Open angle glaucoma

Short cases in ophthalmology

This is the fundus photograph of a patient showing glucomatous changes in optic disc. It shows enlargement of cup and thinning of neuro retinal rim. Blood vessels are shifted nasally and giving appearance of being broken at margins ( bayonetting sign).

21 Papilloedema

Short cases in ophthalmology

It is the fundus photograph of Papilloedema showing oedema and swelling of optic disc that obliterates the physiological cup of optic disc. Engorgement of veins is also present.

22. Applanation tonometry

Short cases in ophthalmology

It is used to measure intraocular pressure. The picture in right is too small, In left is too large and In middle, it is the end point as the inner edges of 2 semicircles just touchs with each other.

Download PDF file of short cases

So, now you can easily correlate your theoritical knowledge with clinical. Thanks for reading my post and all the best for your studies.

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